
Friday, 25 May 2018


Today we were Playing with Room3's toys
it was a lot of fun.
We were building tall towers and playing
with kenetic sand, but we made a big mess
but at the end we cleaned up and left room
3 to go back to class.
Some people was drawing and painting their
drawing was amazing they were like an artist.
We played with lego and blocks, Miss Wrack
and Mr herlihy was watching out for us.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018


About Soccer
 On Wednesday the 17th we had a Soccer tournament, our team was Glentaylor School.
The first team that we played against was Tamaki Primary and Glentaylor tied with them.
We played 6 games on that day we were like a star
We won 1 games, lost 2 and we drawed 3 teams.
And we placed number 6 but the middles placed 2nd.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Dawn Raid Work

                                Last term we were watching a video called dawn raids we had
                                to write and sketch draw about what we saw on the video
                                It was fun and amazing, here is my picture about my dawn raids



                                  We celebrate ANZAC because they fought for our country
                                   and to protect us from enemies.